Friday, October 18

Why chatbots are popular with businesses: an overview of the benefits

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Chatbots as an effective tool to improve customer service

According to CNBC, today about 80% of requests from users are handled without human involvement. To do this, chatbots are used, which take over the communication with the client and give him answers to standard questions. Such a process is carried out according to a well-designed algorithm.
Surveys confirm that 51% of users want representatives of the company to respond to their request as soon as possible after the request, regardless of what time of day it was made. However, it is extremely expensive for a business to maintain a 24-hour support service. It should also be noted that most customer inquiries are similar and can be answered according to a prescribed script.
In this case, the ideal, and most importantly – an economical solution for companies is a chatbot. In addition, users themselves are not against such automated communication: on average, the appeal to artificial intelligence supports about 30-40% of visitors. If the chatbot has unique algorithms and is properly configured, then 90% of appeals to it are successful in terms of getting the user the necessary information.

chatbots are popular with businesses

In addition, in the age of digitalization and the transition to online communication, people themselves prefer to communicate with robots rather than real people. This is confirmed by data from SalesForce: 69% of respondents indicated a desire to ask for help from a bot, as they believe they will get an answer to their request much faster than from a live consultant. In addition, the productivity of the program is much higher than that of a human. A chatbot is capable of handling requests from 100 users at a time, which is something a manager cannot do without a long wait.
A chatbot helps businesses stay connected and open to potential customers. Artificial intelligence solves people’s problems now and immediately, without a break for lunch or a weekend, such an assistant stays in touch even after the working day is over.
Despite such advantages of chatbots, not all companies are in a hurry to implement them. Many representatives are afraid that confidential customer data will be used by third parties, or the program will not be able to give the right answer, and the person will no longer apply.
In this case, it is better to develop a chatbot from scratch, which will meet all the requirements of the company. The cost of such a project will be 3-5 thousand dollars, all depending on the complexity of the task and the functions of the program. However, there are also free options, for example, if you use a constructor. Creating a chatbot is not a complicated task, and most likely, the company’s in-house IT specialists are able to cope with it. Or you can use the services of agencies or freelancers, the development price of such contractors starts at $500.


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