Tuesday, October 22

Digital transformation of logistics for EAEU, details of the project

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What opportunities does the digital transformation of logistics offer?

Last year’s events showed how important it is to improve logistics processes to remain competitive in the market. In this regard, representatives of the Eurasian Economic Union countries decided to implement a project to improve cargo transportation. The digital transformation of logistics will be carried out in several stages, and should fully operate by 2025. The purpose of these innovations is to simplify and accelerate the delivery procedure and strengthen the position of local transport companies.
In the framework of the project, a system of electronic digitalization of transport corridors will be introduced, which allows to determine the optimal routes for delivery of various goods. The program allows considerably simplifying the collection of necessary papers and permits, all documents are stored in electronic form and have legal force when submitted to the state bodies. Through the system it is possible to book a queue to pass the checkpoints of international importance.
According to preliminary estimates, the introduction of the EDTC system will cost 10 million rubles and will take up to 2025. At the same time, the benefit of transferring operators to a new platform is estimated at 154 billion rubles. As noted by the project curators, infrastructure development in important areas will allow Russian logistics companies to become more competitive and keep up with modern trends. An important task for this is to organize uninterrupted transportation.

Now the transport sector has many problems. For example, only within the Eurasian Customs Union there are about 60 different difficulties, which impair the quality of services and hinder the development of the industry as a whole. Experts estimate that solving only part of these difficulties will allow logistics companies to reduce costs by $100-120 million. The expected effect of the innovations may amount to about 1.5-2% of the total trade volume in the UAE.
The first step for the implementation of the electronic system project was the program, which makes it possible to use electronic digital signatures. It makes it possible to expand the opportunities to execute necessary processes and documents in a single platform, data from which can be sent to regulatory authorities and have legal force.
Recently, another opportunity has appeared for Russian companies. In cooperation with the Russian-Singaporean Business Council, an electronic B2B platform was developed and piloted. It will enable operators from Russia to enter the South-East Asian market, operate fully and provide services to local clients.
It should be noted that Russian specialists have been developing digital systems for logistics for several years now. However, the pandemic has made some adjustments and forced the functionality of a number of programs to be revised and improved to take into account new realities.


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